
Tips for a Healthy School Year!

School brings many wonderful things! We all come together and share in learning and growing. Along with all the positive sharing...we share lots of germs, viruses, and bacteria that constantly challenge our immune systems. High stress levels and the increased physical demands of work and sports are additional stressors that reduce our ability to stay well and to that end, we find ourselves getting sick.

We can minimize the spread of illness by following a few simple rules to stay healthy

  • Eat breakfast everyday! Your body cannot run without fuel.

  • Get plenty of rest...and plan for it. Having an after school job is nice but if you are up till 1:00 am doing homework you need to rethink that is your number one job!

  • Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizers when soap and water are not available.

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes. Sneeze into your sleeve.

  • Do not share water bottles or drink from other people's beverage containers!

  • If you feel ill while you are in school see the nurse.

Please stay home when you're ill. Fever over 100 F and/or vomiting requires you to stay home from school for 24 hours after they have stopped!

If everyone follows the rules we can all stay well!



Americans can return to public life if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours and symptoms are improving, regardless of a positive test.

When they return to normal activities, the CDC recommended people use preventative strategies for the next five days. This includes limiting close contact with others (as much as possible), enhancing hygiene like hand-washing, improving ventilation (going outside, etc), masking and testing as needed.

CDC updates and simplifies respiratory virus recommendations | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

Respiratory Virus Guidance (

Type 1 Diabetes Information

Type 1 Diabetes Parent Fact Sheet

Type 1 Diabetes Parent Fact Sheet - Spanish

This type 1 diabetes information was developed pursuant to the Pennsylvania School Code and is for school entities and nonpublic schools to provide to parents and guardians of incoming elementary school students and students entering grade six, beginning with the 2025-2026 School Year.

Tick Removal

Ticks found in Pennsylvania may carry germs that can make people sick. The most common illness caused by tick bites is Lyme disease. Not all ticks make you sick. Ticks must be attached for at least 24 hours to give you Lyme disease.

Health Room Tick Removal Form

Health Room Tick Removal Form - Spanish